Saturday, February 9, 2013

Christmas circa 1979

One time when I was in junior high Mom did some shopping in early December for a bunch of necessities (socks, underwear, etc.) for my siblings and I.  Then she decided, just for kicks, to gift-wrap them and put them under the Christmas tree along with our other presents.

When Christmas eve arrived -- our family followed ancient European tradition and always opened Christmas gifts on Christmas eve -- I grabbed a light, squishy package to open.  I must have looked very confused when I opened it, mumbled "Uh, thanks, Mom and Dad, for the pack of tube socks," raised an eyebrow, then we all started laughing.  Of course, these packages kept coming up as we went through the gifts, and we'd jokingly whine, "Moooooooommmmm," each time we found one.  Mom by this point was crying from laughing so hard.  There were few things we liked better than watching Mom  be unable to stop laughing.

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